The day was planned in advance. I made arrangements for office coverage, had an itinerary in mind, bought tickets for a holiday event, and planned the way our kids would react to every surprise along the way. Are you like me and create in your mind the way an experience will go?

My day off in the middle of holiday sick season was supposed to look like a Hallmark Movie scene, but kids don’t always follow the script and as a business owner just because I’m away from the office doesn’t mean things don’t come up. Wearing many hats can interfere with the way my special day is planned. In the middle of getting everyone ready to head out the door while my husband tended to work emails, I realized….my kids just want ‘me’. They don’t need the twinkly light breakfast date or multiple surprise outings leading up to the main event. They are content sitting on the couch and watching the Grinch for the 3rd time in a row. I also realize, it’s okay if breakfast is the same thing we have all week, as long as we are together and I’m present in the moment with them.
Sometimes, as a mom, my anxiety over creating the ‘perfect’ experience can get in the way of my goal. I have heard it said “great is the enemy of good“, and that resounds with me more this Christmas season than ever. If you are like me and don’t have the ‘perfect’ present or experience set for your family or your business, just know that there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ anyway. Good is just good enough.
Breathe deep with me and settle into giving your coworkers, your clients, and your family what they really need…. just good enough you.