
My Chart Instructions
Here are some helpful steps on how to sign up for our new portal.
1st step – You can start off by downloading the app “my chart” from your app store or google play store.
2nd step – Once you have the app downloaded and ready to go, you can go in the app, swipe to the right where it gives you the option to select an organization, (you are going to select Maeville pediatrics).
3rd step – if you have never had my chart account with any organization, before you can create an account by selecting “sign up”, then from there you are going to sign up where it gives you the option to “SIGN UP ONLINE WITHOUT AN ACTIVATION CODE” since you don’t have a code because you do not have an account you have to sign up online without the code (REMINDER YOU ARE CREATING THE ACCOUNT WITH YOUR INFORMATION (MOM OR DADS) NOT THE PATIENTS INFORMATION, WE WILL GIVE YOU ACCESS FOR THEIR CHART).
4th step – Once you have created the account with your information and you are able to log in, WE would have to give you the proxy access which technically means we will give you access to your child’s chart if you do have more than one child we will gladly give you access to all their charts where you can view appointments, immunizations and even message providers.
If any questions or help, please reach out to the my chart help desk number 713-222-2273 or our office without hesitation
Thank you,
Maeville Pediatrics.